Services Manipulation

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To stop, start or check status of a Service remotely, you can use the sc utility as follows:

sc \\servername stop ServiceName

sc \\servername start ServiceName
sc \\servername query ServiceName

Inspired by this, I decided to create a little DOS program which an end-user could use to stop/start a service:

 SETLOCAL enableextensions
for /f "tokens=4" %%s in ('sc query OracleServiceXE ^| find /i "state"') do (SET _state=%%s)
for /f "tokens=2" %%t in ('sc query OracleServiceXE ^| find /i "service_name"') do (SET _service_name=%%t)
ECHO ================================
ECHO %_service_name% is %_state%
ECHO ================================

if %_state%==RUNNING goto SRVC-R
if %_state%==STOPPED goto SRVC-S
 echo %_service_name% Is RUNNING, would you like to STOP it? Y/N
 set /p Input1=
 if /i "%Input1%"=="y" sc stop OracleServiceXE

sleep 10
for /f "tokens=4" %%s in ('sc query OracleServiceXE ^| find /i "state"') do (echo %_service_name% is %%s)
exit /b

 echo %_service_name% Is STOPPED, would you like to START it? Y/N
 set /p Input1=
 if /i "%Input1%"=="y" sc start OracleServiceXE
 sleep 10
for /f "tokens=4" %%s in ('sc query OracleServiceXE ^| find /i "state"') do (echo %_service_name% is %%s)
exit /b