Check Generated Archivelog Sizes

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Script may or may not work for everyone. The difficulty with this one is that it has to get the archivelog sizes from v$archived_log which could contain duplicate rows as indicated in Oracle documentation ....

"If the log is archived twice, there will be two archived log records with the same THREAD#, SEQUENCE#, and FIRST_CHANGE#, but with a different name"

To counter this, I was able to simply filter out by the name field, which uniquely contained the orignal archivelog names ending with .arc.

select to_char(b.first_time,'yyyy-mm-dd') DAY
     , count(*) NO_LOGS
     , sum(BLOCKS * BLOCK_SIZE)/1024/1024 GB
  from v$archived_log a
     , v$log_history b
 where a.sequence# = b.sequence#
   and a.thread# = b.thread#
   and a.first_change# = b.first_change#
   and like '%.arc%'
group by to_char(b.first_time,'yyyy-mm-dd');